Expected Hours

Every day the employee is processed according to the shift rules. The rules applied depend on the Daily Shift set for that day. This shift might be fixed (via the Payroll Shift or via Daily Rostering) or it might be variable (according to the options set in the Payroll shift.) Expected Hours includes all the categories of time that has been worked. When comparing the time worked against what is expected, the Total column is the one used for the comparison, i.e. all time categories are taken into account and their effect on the Total is applied. In this case you can set the Expected hours for an employee directly and they will then override any other expected settings set for the shift of an employee. When viewing the employee's payroll hours, the Expected time is displayed in the column to the left of the Total Hours column. If the Total Hours is less than the Expected Hours, the Total Hours is then displayed in Red. Note: It should be noted that Expected Employee Hours is only for Payroll hours.

Viewing Expected Employee Hours

To view the manually set Expected Employee Hours, Proceed as follows:

Select the Expected Employee Hours option from the Query or Edit dropdown menu.

The Browse Expected Hours window provides:

Send To button. Used to send the information viewed within the current window to a Printer, save it to a File or e-mail it to an e-mail recipient.

Bulk button. Used to do a Bulk update of Expected Employee Hours for a group of employees.

Add button. Used to add new Expected Employee Hours.

Change button. Used to edit an existing Expected Employee Hours.

Remove button. Used to remove a selected Expected Employee Hours from the list.

Close button. Used to close the window.

Add an Expected Employee Hours

To add a new Expected Employee Hours to the list, proceed as follows:

When the Expected Employee Hours window is displayed, click on the Add button. The Update Expected Hours window will be displayed. 

Use the Employee select button to select the employee.

Use the Date select button to select the Payroll date.

In the Hours box, enter the expected Payroll Hours for the employee. Click on the Ok button and this newly created Expected Employee Hours will be added to the system.

Bulk Adding of Expected Employee Hours

When the Expected Employee Hours window is displayed, click on the *Bulk*button. The _Bulk Update Expected Hours_window will be displayed.


Use the Select Employees button and select the group of employees.

Use the Date question mark button to select the Payroll date.

In the Hours box, enter the expected Payroll Hours for the employees. Click on the Ok button and this newly created Expected Employee Hours will be added to the system.   

Note: Bulk Expected Employee Hours can also be done using the Expected Employee Hours option from the Bulk drop-down menu.

Edit an Expected Employee Hours

When the Expected Employee Hours window is displayed, select and highlight the Expected Employee Hours to be edited and click on the *Change*button. The Update Expected Hours window will be displayed.

Change the required information and then click on the Ok button to save the changes.

Remove Expected Employee Hours

When the Expected Employee Hours window is displayed, select and highlight the Expected Employee Hours to be removed and click on the *Remove*button.

When the delete confirmation window is displayed, click on the *Yes*button to remove the selected Employee Expected hours.