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Real Time Attendance

TNA Real-time Attendance Monitor is a stand alone program that can be installed on any machine (telephone receptionist) and via the network, will monitor in real time who has clocked in or out and the times of the clockings.

System Requirements
  • TNA Version 4.16f or higher.
  • TNA to be registered for the Real-Time Attendance Monitor Module service.
  • If to be installed on a separate machine that it can see (via a network) the TNA machine.
To install TNA's Real-Time Attendance Monitor on a selected machine, proceed as follows:
  1. At the Configuration Module, you first need to re-register your TNA Program with the Real-Time Monitor Module option selected.
  2. Select Server Options from the Setup dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Internet – Real-Time Attendance settings option and the following window will be displayed.

  4. Select the Activate Real-Time Attendance Server tick box and in the Port box type in the particular port number that is to be used for this service.
  5. Use the Filter On Classification and select the Classification on how the employee Real-Time Attendance is to be viewed.
  6. Select Ok to save the settings.
  7. Close down the Server Module and then restart it again. Now when selecting the Server option again you will see that Real-Time service has been added and will startup.

  8. At the machine where the TNA Real-Time Attendance Monitor is to be used, insert the TNA Installation CD and when started and select the Accessories option or run the MonitorInstall.exe file from the downloaded version.
  9. If installing from a CD, select the Install Real-Time Monitor button and follow the installation wizard instructions.
  10. Once installed, create a new desktop shortcut option (to place a new shortcut on the monitor desktop), use the Browse option and select the Monitor.exe program (from the directory that was used to install the program) to be the target and then select Next and then name the shortcut as required, i.e. "TNA Real-Time Monitor" and select Finish. The shortcut will now be added to the desktop.
  11. Right-click on this newly created desktop shortcut icon and select Properties.
  12. Select the Shortcut option tab and in the Target text box (should display the target location and then monitor.exe), type in the address of the machine on which the TNA Service is running (this can be the name of the machine or its IP address). You can also add [Fix] after the port/machine name which will "fix" the window on the monitor and not allow it to be moved, minimised or resized (designed mainly to disables touch-screen installations). For example:

    C:\TNA\Mon\Monitor.exe or
    C:\TNA\Mon\Monitor.exe TNA Machine or
    C:\TNA\Mon\Monitor.exe Fix


    C:\TNA\Mon\ is the file location of the program.
    Monitor.exe the TNA Real-Time Attendance Monitor program. IP address of the machine running the service.
    TNA Machine Name of the machine running the service.
    Fix (optional) added to prevent the window from being closed, moved or resized.
Using TNA Real-Time Attendance Monitor
To use the Real-Time Attendance Monitor that has now been installed, proceed as follows:
  1. Double-click on the newly created desktop "TNA Real-Time Monitor" icon. The TNA Real-Time Attendance Monitor window will be displayed. At the same time an icon will be inserted into the taskbar.

    The information available from the TNA Real-Time Attendance Monitor window include:
    1. Classifications. The employee classifications by which the employee attendance has been selected for viewing. Selecting a Classification option will display a list of all the employees who are allocated to that classification.
    2. Attendance Icon. An arrow icon (to the left of employee No.) identifies if the employee has clocked In or is Out (red-down arrow = Out and green-up arrow = In).
    3. Employee Information. The list of employees in the selected classification and provides employee’s Number, First and Name.
    4. Roster In and Out times. These are the expected In and Out clocking times for each of the employees.
    5. In and Out time. This is the actual time that the employee clocks In or Out. If the actual In clocking time is after the expected In clocking time (Roster time) or if the employee clocks out before the expected Out time, the clocking will be highlighted. The times displayed will be that of the actual times of the First In and the Last Out clockings.
    6. Leave. If an employee has been approved to take leave for the day, the particular leave type will be displayed.
  2. [Ctrl-O] will open the monitor options.

    The options include:
    1. Port Number:  The port number to use to communicate with the TNA server.
    2. Ip Address:  The IP address on which the TNA server is running.
    3. Refresh Rate:  The time between information requests to the TNA server. The default setting (and minimum) is 1 minute.
    4. Select Font: You can change the display font used in the monitor.
    5. Browse Line Height:  You can change the line height of the rows. The default is 12.
    6. View Type:  Select between the Classic View which will show all the columns with one row of employee names, or the Compact view which will show three employee columns with only their In and Out clocked times.
    7. Employees / columnThe maximum number of employee to display per column.  Default is 50.
    8. Fix window postion: this option will prevent the window from being closed, moved or resized.
  3. If the service is not running or if the server is down, a red notification will be displayed at the bottom of the window and also displayed will be the last time that data was retrieved from the server.

  4. To close the window, select the window Close button (top right). Note that the service does not stop running and the icon will still be displayed in the taskbar.
  5. Clicking in the taskbar icon will again open the window.
  6. To close the service completely, press [Ctrl-Q] on the keyboard and the service will be closed (icon in the taskbar will also disappear).
  7. To restart TNA Real-Time Attendance Monitor, double-click on the desktop icon again.

The order in which the information is displayed can be done by clicking on the "sort by" column heading as per a normal spreadsheet.

The actual Clockings are updated in real-time but the rest of the information (employee names, rostering, etc) will be updated hourly.

Updated by Robert de Jager on 5 JUL 2021
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