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Eco SMSes
  1. Send a SMS from the employee browse
  2. Send a SMS from the employee masterfile
  3. Send a SMS via the dependants browse
  4. Schedule SMS by time
  5. Schedule SMS by events
  6. Bulk SMS
  7. SMS Send and Error History Log
Enabling the SMS Feature
  1. Enabling the features
  2. Configuring the services
  3. Enabling the Eco Time SMS Service for the customer
Enabling the features
  1. The SMS Feature is a licensed feature and must first be enables via the license manager.
  2. Once the license has been updated, the user will be able to enable the SMS features by:

    1. Logging into the Config module
    2. Select Bells and Features Button
    3. Select the SMS tab
    4. Click on "Enable SMS Features"
  3. Once the SMS feature is successfully enabled, SMS features will be visible in:
    1. User Module - Command Bar SMS tab becomes available

    2. Send SMS button on the employee browse,

      employee update form,

      dependants browse

      and dependant update form,

      become available.
    3. Notification Rules in the User Module - Command Bar SMS tab.

    4. The Server Module will have an additional service called SMSes.

      Selecting the show button will bring up the Server's Send SMSes Log:

Configuring the services

The Eco Time license details must now be uploaded to the SMS server:

  1. Logging into the Config module
  2. Select the Server Options Toolbar Button
  3. Select the internet tab, and the SMS sub menu below it
    1. The SMS Server details will be pre-populated. You do not need to change this
    2. The Default Country Code is for South Africa (+27), but you may change this to your country code.
    3. The customer contact details and phone numbers must be entered and are required fields
    4. The Client Authorization field is blank and read only. It will be populated by pressing the get Authorization button. An authorization code here is required to be able to send SMS
    5. At this time, you cannot use the Test SMS button. For SMSes to work, the Eco Time SMS Service must be first enabled for the customer. You can always come back to this form to test at any time
    6. Click on the Update Server Settings form's OK button to save your changes.
Enabling the Eco Time SMS Service for the customer
  1. Contact Eco Time Admin or the Eco Time product manager to enable the account.
  2. By default, an enabled account will be pre-loaded with 20 SMSes for testing and demonstration purposes.
  3. The user will be able to send a manual SMS or system generated SMSes (event notifications), once the account and enabled and preloaded with SMSes.
The SMS Send Window
  1. When an SMS is sent manually, the Send SMS Windows will open.

  2. The Send SMS window displays the following fields:
    1. To phone number: This will contain the mobile phone number of the person being SMSed.           
    2. Country Dialling Code: The Eco Time default Country dialling code. For example, South Africa is +27. Note: The dialling code must start with the + sign.
    3. Message: The message you wish to send. Note: There is a 160-character limit for SMS. (So be short and sweet.)
  3. Selecting the Show Send Procedure is only required for fault finding. Support will guide you if this step is required.

  4. If the Show Send Procedure window opened, simply press the close button, and untick the Show Send Procedure selection before closing the Send SMS window.
Sending a manual SMS

  1. When selecting to send a manual SMS, the mobile number will be pre-populated in the SMS Send Client's phone number field.
  2. A user can send a manual SMS by:
    1. clicking on the SMS button, at the bottom of the employee browse.

    2. clicking on the SMS button next to Mobile Phone Number in the Employee Masterfile's Personal Tab. clicking on the SMS button at the bottom of the dependants browse.

    3. clicking on the SMS button next to Mobile Phone Number on the Update Dependant form.

  3. Send a single SMS by clicking on the Send button on the Command Bar SMS Tab. Here you must manually enter the SMS number.

  4. Send bulk SMSes by clicking on the Bulk SMS button on the Command Bar SMS Tab. You can select a group of employees. The bulk SMSes are sent to the Mobile Phone Number in the Employee Masterfile.

Send system generated SMS (event notification)

  1. A system generated SMS (event notification) can be time based or event based.
    1. A time-based trigger is set by a schedule for a certain time and day.
    2. An event-base trigger is set by a clocking, or warnings generation for example when an employee clocks late for work or leaves early.
  2. Event Notification Rules are configured in the User Module. Select the Command Bar SMS tab and Notification rules button.
  3. Press the insert or change button depending on your action, and the Update Notification Form will open.
  4. In the Notification Form, the following setting can be configured.
    1. Enabled: If not selected (ticked), the event rule will never be triggered.
    2. Description: Enter short description describing the event rule.
    3. Employee Group: Selecting an employee group here, will limit the rule to that employee group only.
    4. Event Type: SMS Events supports three event types:
      1. Absenteeism: An employee is absent for the day if not clocked in at the trigger time or as set in the employee's day shift rule (See Notification Trigger). Can only be time based Warnings war:code=5.
      2. Early Departure: An employee leaves early from work if the employee clocks out before the trigger time or as set in the employee's day shift rule (See Notification Trigger). Can be live or time based using Warnings war:code=3.
      3. Late Arrival: An employee arrives late for work if the employee has not clocked in at the trigger time or as set in the employee's day shift rule (See Notification Trigger). Can be live or time based using Warnings war:code=4.
      4. Not in by: Looks if a clocking is clocked before the time based report trigger time. Can only time time based.
    5. Notification Trigger: SMS Events supports two trigger types:
      1. Time Based: All the notifying SMSes will be generated at this time if required (See Event Types).
      2. Day Shift Schedule: SMSes notifying early departures and late arrivals will be generated real time as clockings are collected. NOTE: This is not applicable to absenteeism. Absenteeism can only be a time-based trigger.
      3. Clocking Device: SMSes notifying early departures and late arrivals will be generated real time as clockings are collected from this device. NOTE: SMSes from this device will on be generated after the trigger time, if the trigger time is set.
    6. Trigger Time: Is the time when notifying SMSes will be generated for Time Based notification rules.
    7. Device Number: A Clocking from this device will trigger the SMS event. This option is only valid if the notification trigger "Clocking Device" is selected.
    8. Notification Type: Notifications can be SMSed or Emailed (Not supported yet).
    9. Notify Who:
      1. Masterfile Mobile Number: The SMS will be sent to the employee Mobile Phone Number as set in his Masterfile.
      2. Next Of Kin Mobile Phone Number: The SMS will be sent to the employee's next of kin's mobile phone number. NOTE: Notified Identifier must be set.
    10. Notified Identifier: Identifies the dependant Relationship the email must be sent to. For example, Mother, Father, Guardian etc as set in the relationship field of the Dependant.
    11. Enabled Days: The event rules will only be trigger on the selected days.
  5. The message field in on the message tab is a required field. Note: There is a 160-character limit for SMS. (Remember to be short and sweet.)

    The message field allows for variables so that each message generated can be personally addressed. See Customising the Event Notification Message

  6. When is at least one event notification rule configured, the SMS Server Client will visible in the Eco Time Server's window.
    1. The SMS Server client is responsible for sending the SMS notifications in the SMSSendQueue file generated by Event Notification Rules.
    2. The SMS Server Client polls the SMSSendQueue file, and the sends each SMS in date time order.
Customising the Event Notification Message
  1. Event driven SMSes can be customised to provide friendlier interaction with the person receiving the SMS.
  2. To achieve the above, the the event driving notification message support a number of custom template fields.
  3. The template fields are recognised by an opening and closing angular bracket.
  4. The template fields available are:
    1. employeenumber : This field will be replaced by the employee number (emp:empnumber) of the employee's masterfile.
    2. employeename : This field will be replaced by the employee's first name (emp:firstname) of the employee's masterfile.
    3. employeesurname : This field will be replaced by the employee surname (emp:surname) of the employee's masterfile.
    4. addressedtowho : This field will be replaced by:
      1. SMS to Employee: The Employee First Name and Surname.
      2. SMS to Next of Kin: The next of kin details entered in the name fields.
      3. SMS to Super Visor: The Supervisor's First Name and Surname.
  1. In which Eco Time version is this feature available?
    From version 22.04.19 onwards.
Updated by Robert de Jager on 22 JAN 2023
Locate (Contains) :