If you are using the TopSpeed version of Eco Time and you get error messages coming up on screen about possible data corruption in a file then you need to take action. This document will take you through the steps for fixing data corruption.
See the Data Corruption document for more information on what data corruption is and how to prevent it.
Always make a backup of your Eco Time data before you start fixing data corruption. Close all open Eco Time modules and use the Eco Time Backup Module to create a backup.
Freshening the files
The first step is to freshen your data files as this may resolve the problem. When you are freshening a file, Eco Time creates a new data file and attempts to copy the data from the original file into the new one.
To freshen your files older versions TNA6 and older, open the Configuration Module. Click on File, File Manager.
If you are using Eco Time or Eco Time, click on your Windows Start menu, All Programs, Eco Time and then File Maintenance.
Click on the Tag All button to select all the data files and then click on the Freshen button. You may receive an "Unable to upgrade" error message on one or two files (e.g. Log) during the process - click on the Retry button to continue.
Please note: this process may take some time to complete and you may not be able to do anything else on your computer while Eco Time is busy freshening your files.
Do not interrupt this process!
Using TPSFix
If freshening the data files did not help, you can use the TPSFix utility that can be found in the Eco Time application folder.
Before you start make sure you know where the Eco Time data is located. You can find this information in the User Module when you click on Help and About. The data is located in the path shown next to Reading From.
Double-check that all the Eco Time modules are closed and inform network users to no use Eco Time until further notice.
If Eco Time generated an error message, the message will usually indicate which file is corrupt e.g. "Possible data corruption in file ... attempting to access a record from the DAILYHOU file". You can then use this as a starting point – depending on how far the corruption has spread, you may need to run checks on the other entire major files as well.
Alternatively, start with fixing the main files (clockings.tps, dailyhou.tps, errors.tps, warnings.tps, weeklyho.tps). Once those are done then move on to all other files that contain data like card, classifi, criteria, employee, leave, movedail..etc.
Run the tpsfix.exe program (usually found in the Eco Time application folder).
Under the Source (file to recover) heading, next to the label Filename, click on Browse. A windows explorer window will open. Navigate to the Eco Time data folder and double-click the file you want to test / fix e.g. clocking.tps. A destination file with a TPR extension will now automatically be visible. Click on the Next button.
You can specify an example file if you have previously attempted to fix the file without success. See the section: Creating an example file at the bottom of this document. Untick the Header option and click on Start.
TPSFix will now scan your selected file for errors.
If no problems are found you will be prompted to select whether to continue to extract the data to the result file or not.
Click on No.
Any errors found will be shown during the scanning process.
TPSFix will automatically start extracting data if any serious errors were found.
When TPSFix shows a Finished message click on OK to close TPSFix. To test and scan other files repeat the process from point 1.
Now you need to rename and build the fixed files. Open your Eco Time data folder in Windows explorer and rename the original *.TPS and the fixed *.TPR files. For example: if the clocking.tps file was fixed, rename the clocking.tps file to clocking.tp1 and then rename clocking.TPR to clocking.tps. Do this for all the repaired files.
Open the File Manager/Maintenace (see the section on Freshening the files above). Select the files that were fixed and click on the Build button.
Eco Time will now build the keys used for sorting your data. When this process is complete you can close the File Maintenance Module and re-open the Eco Time Server module.
Creating an example file
If a file is so badly corrupted that TPSFix cannot recover the data run TPSFix again using an example file. An example file can be created as follows:
Rename the corrupt file e.g. rename clocking.tps to clocking.org.
Open the File Maintenance Module
Select the file you want to recreate and click on Info. Normally this will create a new empty data file.
Now change the extension of the newly created file to TPE e.g. rename clocking.tps to clocking.tpe.
Change the extension of your original data file back to TPS e.g. rename clocking.org to clocking.tps.
Run tpsfix again, but this time select the clocking.tpe file you have created as the example file in point 3 above.
If you are using the TopSpeed version of Eco Time and you get error messages coming up on screen about possible data corruption in a file then you need to take action. This document will take you through the steps for fixing data corruption.
See the Data Corruption document for more information on what data corruption is and how to prevent it.
Always make a backup of your Eco Time data before you start fixing data corruption. Close all open Eco Time modules and use the Eco Time Backup Module to create a backup.
The first step is to freshen your data files as this may resolve the problem. When you are freshening a file, Eco Time creates a new data file and attempts to copy the data from the original file into the new one.
To freshen your files older versions TNA6 and older, open the Configuration Module. Click on File, File Manager.
If you are using Eco Time or Eco Time, click on your Windows Start menu, All Programs, Eco Time and then File Maintenance.
Click on the Tag All button to select all the data files and then click on the Freshen button. You may receive an "Unable to upgrade" error message on one or two files (e.g. Log) during the process - click on the Retry button to continue.
Please note: this process may take some time to complete and you may not be able to do anything else on your computer while Eco Time is busy freshening your files.
If freshening the data files did not help, you can use the TPSFix utility that can be found in the Eco Time application folder.
Before you start make sure you know where the Eco Time data is located. You can find this information in the User Module when you click on Help and About. The data is located in the path shown next to Reading From.
Double-check that all the Eco Time modules are closed and inform network users to no use Eco Time until further notice.
If Eco Time generated an error message, the message will usually indicate which file is corrupt e.g. "Possible data corruption in file ... attempting to access a record from the DAILYHOU file". You can then use this as a starting point – depending on how far the corruption has spread, you may need to run checks on the other entire major files as well.
Alternatively, start with fixing the main files (clockings.tps, dailyhou.tps, errors.tps, warnings.tps, weeklyho.tps). Once those are done then move on to all other files that contain data like card, classifi, criteria, employee, leave, movedail..etc.
If a file is so badly corrupted that TPSFix cannot recover the data run TPSFix again using an example file. An example file can be created as follows: