The Leave Types are the different types of leave that the employees are allowed. Eco Time is shipped with five default leave types that can be used or edited to suit your company. You can change these default types or you can add new ones of your own.
View the Leave Types
To view the types of leave that are available, proceed as follows:
Select the Leave Types option from the Setup / Leave dropdown menu. The Browse the Leave Types File window will be displayed.
The options available from this window are:
Leave Type List. This is a list of all available Leave Types and provides:
Code and Colour. This is the numerical code used to identify the particular leave type. This column also shows the foreground (text) and background colors that are used to identify the particular type of leave when viewing the leave planner calendar view and also when viewing an employee’s leave
Description. This is the description of the particular leave type.
Paid. This shows if the employee is paid as per normal (Yes) or not (No) when taking the particular leave type. Please note if a leave type is set to manually add hours, it will also display as No
Send To button. Used to send the list to a printer, file or to an email recipient.
Add button. This button is used to add a new leave type to the list.
Change button. This button is used to change a selected leave type in the list.
Remove button. This button is used to remove a selected leave type from the list.
Adding a Leave Type
To add a leave type to the list, proceed as follows:
When the Browse the Leave Types File window is displayed, click on the *Add*button. The Adding a Leave Type Record window will be displayed.
The system automatically allocates a *Code*number (next available number) that can be used to identify the particular Leave Type or you can enter the Code that will be used. This can be a three digit numerical code (1 to 255).
Enter the *Description*of the particular Leave Type.
Select the specific *Processing*option that applies to the particular leave type as to how the leave hours are to be allocated to an employee. The options are:
No. If this leave type should not allocated any hours to an employee.
Automatically from Shift Rules. If selected, the amount of hours will be allocated as per the rules defined in the shift properties.
Manually. The amount of horus can manually be added for each employee when adding this leave type.
Select the specific *Spending*option that is to apply to the particular leave type as to how the leave is to be deducted from the employee’s accumulated leave. The options are:
Nothing. If this type of leave is allocated, it will not be deducted from paid or sick days.
Paid Leave. If selected, the number of days that an employee takes will be deducted from his yearly allowed paid leave days.
Sick Leave. If selected, the number of days that an employee takes will be deducted from his yearly allowed sick leave days.
If the leave can be earned by the employees attendance, select *Accrue*tick box and select the method in which the leave is earned, i.e Hours or Days.
If the amount of days taken for this leave type are to be included in the Payroll report, tick this box and use the Payroll name text box to define the particular payroll code.
Select the Foreground(text) and Background*colors that are to be used to identify the particular Leave Type (can also use the *Quick Select option).
Click on the *Ok*button to save the particular Leave Type and add it to the list.
Changing a Leave Type
To change an existing Leave Type in the list, proceed as follows:
When the Browse the Leave Types File_window is displayed, select the Leave Type to be changed and then click on the *Change*button. The _Update the Leave Type File window will be displayed.
Make the necessary changes and then click on the *Ok*button to save the changes.
Remove a Leave Type
To remove an existing Leave Type from the list, proceed as follows:
When the Browse the Leave Types File window is displayed, select the Leave Type to be removed and then click on the *Remove*button.
When the delete confirmation window is displayed click on the *Yes*button to remove the selected Leave Type.
The Leave Types are the different types of leave that the employees are allowed. Eco Time is shipped with five default leave types that can be used or edited to suit your company. You can change these default types or you can add new ones of your own.