Employees use different methods to clock and/or gain access to premises. Depending on the type of hardware deviced used, these could be proximity tags or Fingerprints, etc.
Eco Time requires "cards" to be allocated to employees even in some cases for Fingerprint. Even though each employee does not physically need a card when clocking with a fingerprint, Eco Time uses this "card number" to link the fingerprint to the employee.
Before you can assign cards to employees, you will need to configure them in the Configuration Module in order for the system to know what cards are available.
The Browse the Card File Window
To view the list of clocking cards, proceed as follows:
Select the Clocking Cards option from the *Setup*dropdown menu. The Browse Cards window will be displayed.
The options available from this window are:
Number of Cards. This is the total number of cards that are registered with the system.
Card List. This is the list of all the registered cards and includes:
Site. This is the site where the card is registered.
Card Number. This is the card number.
Emp/Vis. This is the particular employee’s number to whom the card has been assigned or if the card has been set up as a Visitors card, this will show to which visitor the card has been assigned.
Card Type. This shows the category type assigned to the card.
Request. This column will show if the card has been set up to perform an action when it is used, i.e. to print a report.
Special Function. This is used where a card will, for example, trigger a report if so configured.
Send To button. Used to send the current window’s information to a printer, file e-mail.
Add button. Used to add a new clocking card to the list.
Change button. Used to change the configuration of a clocking card that has been selected.
Remove button. Used to remove a clocking card that has been selected.
Bulk Add button. This is used to add a bulk amount of cards to the system.
Bulk Change button. This option is used when changing a range of cards.
Bulk Remove button. This is used when removing a group of cards.
Adding a Clocking Card
To add a new card to the system, proceed as follows:
When the Browse Cards window is displayed, click on the *Add*button. The Update Card window will be displayed.
Select the card type. This can either be:
Employee. This is a card that can be issued to an employee.
Visitor. This is a card that is issued to a visitor and can have special characteristics associated to it, i.e. will only allow a clocking in one direction (the options are set up by selecting Options*from the *System Setup dropdown menu and then using the Access Control option).
Temporary. This is a temporary card that can be issued to an employee and can have special characteristics associated to it, i.e. will only allow a clocking in one direction (the options are set up by selecting Options*from the *System Setup dropdown menu and then using the Access Control option).
Special Function. A clocking card can be used to initiate specific operations when it is used. The associated function can be selected from the dropdown select box.
If the card is to be used for Job Costing, select the Job Costing check box.
If the card is also to be used to initiate a report when it is used, select the Report Request Card check box. This card can be assigned to any of the card type categories listed in step 2 above.
Click on the *Ok*button to save the card information and to add it to the list.
Change a Clocking Card
To change the information of an existing card, proceed as follows:
When the Browse Cards window is displayed, select the card to be changed and then click on the Change button. The Update Card window will be displayed.
Change the card information as required and then click on the *Ok*button to save the changes.
Remove a Clocking Card
To remove an existing card, proceed as follows:
When the Browse Cards window is displayed, select the card to be removed and then click on the Remove button.
When the delete confirmation window is displayed, click on the *Yes*button to remove the card from the system.
Bulk Add Clocking Cards
To add a number of new clocking cards to the system, proceed as follows:
When the Browse Cards window is displayed, click on the Bulk Add button. The Bulk Update Cards window will be displayed. This window allows you to enter a range of numbers.
Enter the card numbers that are to be added to the system. If you wanted to create the numbers 1000 through 1100, then simply leave the suffix and prefix blank and fill in the From and To number range. For example, to create the number range form 0001 to 1000 requires that you break this down into 3 ranges. The problem here lies with the leading zeros. To do this, break this range down into the following;
1 to 9, with a prefix of 000
10 to 99 with a prefix of 00
100 to 999 with a prefix of 0
Then add the number 1000 singly using the Add button.
Select the Card Type that is to be added. They can either be:
Employee. This is a card that can be issued to an employee.
Visitor. This is a card that is issued to a visitor and can have special characteristics associated to it, i.e. will only allow a clocking in one direction (the options are set up by selecting Options *from the *System Setup dropdown menu and then using the Access Control option).
Temporary. This is a temporary card that can be issued to an employee and can have special characteristics associated to it, i.e. will only allow a clocking in one direction (the options are set up by selecting Options *from the *System Setup dropdown menu and then using the Access Control option).
Special Function. A clocking card can be used to initiate specific operations when it is used. The associated function can be selected from the dropdown select box.
If the cards are also to be used to initiate reports when it is used, select the Report Request Card check box. These cards can be assigned to any of the card type categories listed in step 3 above.
Use the Card Number length scroll box to select the length of the new card numbers. This must include the number suffix and prefix if they are being used.
Click on the *Ok*button to save the card settings and to add them to the list of cards.
Bulk Change Clocking Cards
To edit the information of a range of existing cards, proceed as follows:
When the Browse Cards window is displayed click on the Bulk Change button. The Bulk Update Cards window will be displayed.
Change the card information as required and then click on the *Ok*button to save the changes.
Bulk Remove Clocking Cards
To remove a large number of existing cards, proceed as follows:
When the Browse Cards window is displayed click on the *Remove*button.
Enter the range of cards to be removed and then click on the *Ok*button.
When the delete confirmation window is displayed, click on the *Yes*button to remove the card from the system.
Employees use different methods to clock and/or gain access to premises. Depending on the type of hardware deviced used, these could be proximity tags or Fingerprints, etc.
Eco Time requires "cards" to be allocated to employees even in some cases for Fingerprint. Even though each employee does not physically need a card when clocking with a fingerprint, Eco Time uses this "card number" to link the fingerprint to the employee.
Before you can assign cards to employees, you will need to configure them in the Configuration Module in order for the system to know what cards are available.