A Payroll Shift is the shift pattern that the employee will work and is made up of "Daily" Shifts. Like with day shifts there are a number of options that can be use to make the Payroll Shift conform to most to your company's current working patterns. Note: You can create as many payroll shifts as is necessary.
The Browse Payroll Shifts Window
To view the Payroll Shifts, proceed as follows:
Select the Payroll Shifts option from the Setup / Shift dropdown menu or select the toolbar *Edit Payroll Shift Setup*button. The Browse Payroll Shifts window will be displayed.
The Payroll Shifts List
The top half of the Browse Payroll Shifts window provides a list of all defined Payroll Shifts and also action buttons. This window provides the following:
PayrollShift List Information. The following information is supplied for each Payroll Shift listed:
Code: This is the code given to the payroll shift and is used to identify it.
Description: This is a description of the payroll shift.
Pay (days): This is the actual payroll length (in days) when the employees are paid.
Roll (days): This is the number of days before the payroll period start over again.
Start Date: This is the actual date from when the payroll shift was initiated.
Notes: These are general notes with respect to the shift.
Payroll Shift Buttons. The following Payroll Shift buttons are available:
Copy: This option is used to copy and existing payroll shift and to give it a new name.
Send To: This option enables you to print out the list, save it to a file or send it via email to an email recipient.
Add: This option will open a wizard that will assist you in adding a new payroll shift.
Change: This option will open a wizard that will assist you in changing a selected payroll shift.
Remove: This option enables you to remove a selected payroll shift.
Payroll Shifts Settings Options
The bottom half of the Browse Payroll Shifts window contains the Day shift settings, Balancing Rules, Holiday Rules, etc.
Day Shifts Settings
The Day Details option contains all the information about the Daily Shifts that make up the particular payroll shift.
Note: Remember that the days don't need to be 24 hours long.
Weekday Description list. This is a list of the days that make up the Payroll Shift and provides the following information and the ability to edit the following parameters:
Start. This is the time (in hours) when the actual weekday starts in the week. Will usually be set to a multiple of 24 for day shifts, and a multiple of 24 +12 for night shifts.
Name. This is the name of the particular weekday and will be also be displayed on the payroll shift time-line.
Shift. This is the particular daily shift (code and color) that has been selected (using the select button) for that day to make up the payroll shift.
Description. This is the description of the daily shift that has been selected.
Add button. This button is used to add a day to the Weekday list and is normally used when creating a new payroll schedule.
Remove button. This button is used to remove a selected and highlighted Weekday from the list.
Time-Line. This is the payroll shift time-line that is used to graphically represent all the day names, the day periods and daily shifts that make up the particular Payroll Shift.
Add Option button. This button is used to add an additional and optional time-line. Additional option lines allow the computer to pick between shifts based on the clockings that the employees make. When an optional time line is added, the time-line can be viewed by selecting the Option number (from 1 upwards) from the Daily Shift Settings option.
Balancing Settings
Payroll balancing is exactly the same as daily balancing. Remember that, like with daily balancing, you cannot balance time from one rate to another. In this way you can protect time for weekends from being balanced into normal time during the week, etc.
The following information and options are available from the Balancing settings option:
Payroll Shift Balancing list. This is a list of the balancing rules to be performed when processing the Payroll Shift. The options available are:
Category. This is the category that needs to be balanced.
Rate. This is the rate of the category that needs to be balanced. Balancing does not take place across rates. Thus this rate also applies to the Get From and*Send To* options as well.
Min. This is the minimum time required by this category. If there isn't sufficient time then time is taken from the Get From category. If Min is set to 0 then no minimum is applied.
Get From. Time is taken from here, and added to Category, if there is less than the Min*time in *Category.
Max. This is the maximum time that can be accumulated in the Category. If the category has more than this amount of time then the extra time is sent to the Send To category. If Max is set to 0 then no maximum is applied.
Send To. This receives any time over the amount set in Max. Note: Remember that the rules are applied from the top to the bottom. This means you can specify the order in which time is balanced.
Add button. Used to add a blank shift balancing rule to the list that must then be edited as required.
Remove button. Used to remove a selected and highlighted balancing rule from the list.
Up and Down Arrow buttons. The Up and *Down*arrow buttons are used to set the order of the balancing rules as they are processed in the order from the top of the list down.
Save button. Used to save a Payroll Shift once it has been defined and is correct.
Restore button. Used to rest the Payroll shift to the settings that existed before making any changes.
Rounding Setting
Payroll Shift Rounding allows you to round final calculated hourly amounts into regular sizes. For example, in order to make paying employees easier you may choose to pay at the end of the pay period in regular quarter hour blocks. You can set the period length and the period break in the same way as you do for daily balancing.
The following information and options are available from this option:
Payroll Shift Rounding list. This is a list of Shift Categories that are used within the Payroll Shift. The options available from the list are:
Category. This is the actual Shift Category that can be rounded.
Rate. This is the rate that is associated with the Category. Each Shift Time Category has a defined Shift Time Rate allocated to it.
Length. This is the rounding time that is to be used.
Break. This is the time that the employee has to have worked into the rounding block before they are allocated the full block.
Save button. Used to save a Payroll Shift once it has been defined and is correct.
Restore button. Used to rest the Payroll shift to the settings that existed before making any changes.
Holidays Settings
The Holidays setting option contains the options that govern the way time is processed when a public holiday or leave is encountered.
The following information and options are available from the Holidays settings option:
Employee receives Standard time on holiday if he didn't work. If this is selected (ticked) then employees on this shift will automatically receive their regular hours if they do not come to work on the holiday.
Employee receives Standard time on holiday as bonus if he worked. If this is selected (ticked) and the employee comes to work on a holiday then regardless of how that work time is processed he will automatically get his usual hours, on top of any processed time for that day.
Processing of time worked. On a holiday certain override rules can be applied to time worked.
All time earned can be sent to a specific category (for example Overtime 2).
The system can use another weekly shift pattern on holidays to determine the processing rules.
All time earned can be assigned to the normal categories for processing for that day.
In addition to one of the above, the time worked on the day can also be Doubled. This applies to all Shift Categories that have earned time.
Save button. Used to save a Payroll Shift once it has been defined and is correct.
Restore button. Used to rest the Payroll shift to the settings that existed before making any changes.
Options Settings
This Options settings contains other shift options that are possible for the Payroll Shift and are generally used under unusual circumstances.
The following information and options are available from this option:
Pay on day out. Usually time is allocated to the calendar date of when this shift started. However if this switch is on then time for this shift is allocated to the calendar date of when the shift ends. For example a night shift working from 8 pm on the 22 March to 4 am on March 23 would normally have the time allocated to 22 March. However if this option is clicked on, then in this case the hours would be sent to the 23rd of the month.
Pay on Day out is set at the Daily Level. This option is if the Pay on Day Out that has been set for the Daily Schedules is to be used.
Holiday on Day In. This option is used if a Pay Out on Day Out falls on a holiday and then Pay On Day In can be used.
Set Expected time to Standard Time. If this check-box is selected (ticked) then the Standard time entered into the Standard Time box is to be used.You can set the Expected Time to be either equal to the Standard Time, or you can set the Expected time to be a specific amount. If you expect the employee to work a fixed or minimum number of hours in the week, then enter an exact amount. This works well for people who are working on a fixed cycle, and where the number of hours expected is the same for each cycle. If the person is on a cycle where there are a variable number of working days (like a month) then set the expected time to be the same as the standard time.
Override Auto Correct Clocking Direction. This check box, when selected, is used to override the system automatic correcting of clocking directions and only applies to InfoTime and TimeLog clocks.
Shift is considered completed by. If a shift can extend into the next day, this option can be used to set the time where after no more out clockings for the shift are expected. This will prevent the system to continue looking for the next clocking, at that time the system will assume that the clockings are all completed and a next in clocking will be within the next shift.
Colors. This option is used to select the color (background and text color) that will be used to identify the Payroll Shift, i.e. when performing rostering.
Save button. Used to save a Payroll Shift once it has been defined and is correct.
Restore button. Used to rest the Payroll shift to the settings that existed before making any changes.
Macro Settings
Using the Macro settings option enables you to assign defined payroll macros that will be run when the payroll is processed.
Use the Macro select button to assign the required predefined payroll macro that is to run when Payroll calculations are performed. If variables are used in the Macro, the variables for the payroll shift need to be entered by selecting the value and typing in the required information that will be used when running the macro.
A Payroll Shift is the shift pattern that the employee will work and is made up of "Daily" Shifts. Like with day shifts there are a number of options that can be use to make the Payroll Shift conform to most to your company's current working patterns.
Note: You can create as many payroll shifts as is necessary.
The top half of the Browse Payroll Shifts window provides a list of all defined Payroll Shifts and also action buttons. This window provides the following:
The bottom half of the Browse Payroll Shifts window contains the Day shift settings, Balancing Rules, Holiday Rules, etc.
The Day Details option contains all the information about the Daily Shifts that make up the particular payroll shift.
Note: Remember that the days don't need to be 24 hours long.
Payroll balancing is exactly the same as daily balancing. Remember that, like with daily balancing, you cannot balance time from one rate to another. In this way you can protect time for weekends from being balanced into normal time during the week, etc.
Payroll Shift Rounding allows you to round final calculated hourly amounts into regular sizes. For example, in order to make paying employees easier you may choose to pay at the end of the pay period in regular quarter hour blocks. You can set the period length and the period break in the same way as you do for daily balancing.
The Holidays setting option contains the options that govern the way time is processed when a public holiday or leave is encountered.
This Options settings contains other shift options that are possible for the Payroll Shift and are generally used under unusual circumstances.
Use the Macro select button to assign the required predefined payroll macro that is to run when Payroll calculations are performed. If variables are used in the Macro, the variables for the payroll shift need to be entered by selecting the value and typing in the required information that will be used when running the macro.