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Shift Time Categories

Time worked by the employee is divided into Shift Categories, for example Normal Time, Overtime 1, Overtime 2, etc. The names to be used are dependent on the time categories used by your company. These categories are then used to build up the Daily Shifts. Shift Categories can also be used to store Running Totals, Un-authorised and Authorised Hours or any customized information.

Viewing Shift Categories
To view the Shift Categories, proceed as follows:
  1. Select the Shift Time Categories option from the Setup / Shift dropdown menu. The_Browse Shift Categories_ window will be displayed.

The Browse Shift Categories window provides:
  • Shift Categories List. This is a list of all the shift categories that have been created and includes:
  1. Code. This is the numerical code that is used to identify the particular shift category.
  2. Description. A description of the shift category.
  3. Color. The color that is used to identify the shift category.
  4. Daily Total. Identifies if the category has any effect on the daily total of hours worked.
  5. Payroll Total. Identifies if the category has any effect on the payroll total of hours worked.
  6. Also Affects. If the shift category has an effect on any other category, the category affected will be listed here.
  7. Suppress. If this category is suppressed so as not to be printed in a report this will identify the report in which it is suppressed.
  8. Authorisation. If this shift category needs authorisation before it can be used for payroll calculations it will display the type of authorisation that is required. (Either Daily or Payroll)
  • Send To button. Used to send the current window’s information to a printer, a file or as e-mail.
  • Add button. Used to add new shift category to the list.
  • Change button. Used to edit an existing shift category.
  • Remove button. Used to remove a selected shift category from the list.
  • Close button. Used to close the window.
Creating a Shift Category
To create a new Shift Category, proceed as follows:
  1. At the Browse Shift Categories window, select the *Add*button. The Update Time Category window will be displayed.

  1. In the General tab, *type in the next available numerical code that will be used to identify the particular Shift Category in the *Code box . The code can be from 1 to 25 (maximum of 25 categories can be used*).*
  2. In the *Description*box type add in a description of the Shift Category.
  3. Use the *Colour*select button to select the colour to be used to identify the particular Shift Category. This is used when building up Daily Shifts and enables you to see when the different categories start and end.
  4. Select the effect this Shift Category has on the Daily Total*and*Payroll Total. This can be:
  1. +. The plus sign is selected if the hours in this Shift Category are to be added to the total hours column.
  2. 0. The zero is selected if the hours in the Shift Category have no effect on the total hours column.
  3. -. The minus sign is selected if the hours in this Shift Category are to be subtracted from the total hours column.
  1. If the Shift Category is not to be printed in reports, select the appropriate check box for the report(s) as to where it is to be suppressed.
  2. If this Shift Category needs Authorisation before it can be added to the total hours, select the appropriate check box. When authorisation is required, please note that a holding category for the hours must be defined and is covered in detail later in this section.
  3. The *Payroll*option is used if the particular Time Category details are to be included when exporting the clocking information to a payroll and also to define the particular payroll where it is to be included.
  4. Select on the Running Totals tab and ensure that the Not involved in running Totals select button is selected (running totals will be covered later on in this section).

  1. Select the *Advanced*settings option.

  1. If the Shift Category is to be defined as a category for customised information (i.e. a Bonus category), then this option is used to select and define the format (Picture) as to how this information is to be displayed. Click on the Picture select button and the Lookup Picture window and options will be displayed.
  2. Click on the *Ok*button to save the new Shift Category. It will now be listed in the _Browse Shift Categories _window.
Change a Shift Category
To change an existing Shift Category, proceed as follows:
  1. In the Browse Shift Categories window, select the Shift Category to be changed and then click on the *Change*button, the Update Time Category window will be displayed.
  2. Make the necessary changes and then click on the *Ok*button to save the change.
Remove a Shift Category
To remove an existing Shift Category, proceed as follows:
  1. In the Browse Shift Categories window, select the Shift Category to be deleted and then click on the *Remove*button.
  2. In the delete confirmation window select the *Yes*button to delete the selected Shift Category from the list.
Updated by Robert de Jager on 28 JUN 2021
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