This Jump-Start wizard is used to select and define the Access Control options which are to be used. You can decide which employees can clock at which clocks and also limit the employee to being able to clock in and out, just in, just out or neither. Access Rights are created as a Set. Each set contains a list of all the clocks and a set of rights for each. These sets can then be assigned to the employees.
To set up the required Access Control options, proceed as follows:
In the Eco Time Jump Starts option window select the Access Control button and the following window will be displayed:
Select Access Features - (Step 1)
To select the Access Control features to be use by the system, proceed as follows:
In the Jump-Start Access Control window, click the Select Access Features button and the following window will be displayed.
Using the tick boxes, select the features that are to be used by the Access Control module.
Once the required features have been selected, click Ok to close the window and to return to the Jump-Start Access Control window again.
Access Rights - (Step 2)
To select the Access Rights features to be use by the system, proceed as follows:
In the Jump-Start Access Control window, click the Access Rights button and the following window will be displayed.
To define an access area and add it to the list, select the *Add*button and the following window will be displayed.
Select the Set Details option.
Enter the *Set*number and *Description*that will be used to identify the particular Access Right set.
Using the list of available Controllers and Clocks, set the particular access rights option for each of the clocks for this particular access rule. The options are:
In. If this is set to Yes then employees, who are assigned to this set, can clock in at this clock.
Out. If this is set to Yes then employees, who are assigned to this set, can clock out at this clock.
Door. If this is Yes the electronic door lock will be triggered when the employee clocks in or out. Most of the time this option will be set to Yes for all the clocks and door locks. Note: To toggle between the Yes and No rights options, double-click on the particular option in the list. As you scroll up and down the list of clocks you will see a graphic of the clock's point of access on the right hand side.
Selecting the Employees in this Set option enables you to view a list of all employees who have been allocated this particular access right.
Once all the required access rights options have been set, click on the Ok*button to save the set and to add it to the list. *Note: Access Rights are assigned to employees using the Access option at the Update an Employee window using the User Modules.
Once the required Access Rights have been selected, click *Ok*to close the window and to return to the Jump-Start Access Control window again.
Access Areas - (Step 3)
To select the Areas to be use by the system, proceed as follows:
In the Jump-Start Access Control window, click the *Areas*button and the following window will be displayed.
This is a list of all defined access areas and provides the Set identification number, a *Description*of the access area and if attached, a pictorial view of the access area.
To add a new area, select the *Add*button and the following window will be displayed.
If using the Enterprise version of Eco Time, enter the Site name of where the area is located.
Type in a Code that will be used to identify the particular area.
Type in a *Description*of the particular area.
If a graphical representation is also to be used, use the *Graphic*search button and locate and select the graphic file (.bmp format) to be used. Once selected, the graphic representation of the area will be displayed in the picture box.
Once the area has been defined, select the Ok button to save the area information and to add it to the list of Areas.
Select the Close button to return to the Jump-Start Access Control window again.
Time Zones - (Step 4)
To define the Time Zones to be use by the system, proceed as follows:
In the Jump-Start Access Control window, click the Time Zones button and the following window will be displayed.
This is a list of all the defined Time Zones that exist. If additional time zones.
When adding a new Time Zone, select the *Add*button and the Time Zones window will be displayed.
Type in the Time Zone number and Description*that will be used to identify the particular time zone and then select the *Add Time button.
Type in a *Description*that will be used to identify the particular time zone.
Select and enter the Start and End times for each day of the week for when access will be allowed.
Once all the required times have been entered, select *Ok*to save the particular Time Zone and it will now be added to the list.
Select *Ok*to return to the Browse Time Zones window again.
Select *Close*to return to the Jump-Start Access Control window.
Now that all the Access Control functions have been defined, select *Close*to return to the main Jump Starts window.
This Jump-Start wizard is used to select and define the Access Control options which are to be used. You can decide which employees can clock at which clocks and also limit the employee to being able to clock in and out, just in, just out or neither. Access Rights are created as a Set. Each set contains a list of all the clocks and a set of rights for each. These sets can then be assigned to the employees.
This is a list of all defined access areas and provides the Set identification number, a *Description*of the access area and if attached, a pictorial view of the access area.
This is a list of all the defined Time Zones that exist. If additional time zones.