The Leave Jump-Start enables you to quickly define how public holidays and leave types are to be defined and assigned.
To create the required employee classifications and groups, proceed as follows:
In the Jump Starts option window select the Leave option and the following window will be displayed:
Select Leave Features - (Step 1)
To select the Leave features to be used by the system, proceed as follows
In the Jump-Start Leave window, click the Select Leave Features to Use button and the following window will be displayed.
Use the available tick boxes to select the features to be used and then click Ok.
Edit States List - (Step 2)
If the Different States Leave Feature is used, this procedure will enable you to define the different States to be used that have different public holidays.
In the Jump-Start Leave window, click the Edit States List button and the following window will be displayed:
Use the Add, *Change*or *Remove*buttons to add new, to change or remove existing states respectively.
Once all required states have been defined and are correct, click Close.
Edit the Public Holidays - (Step 3)
To enter or edit the public holidays to be used, proceed as follows:
In the Jump-Start Leave window, click the Enter Public Holidays button and the following window will be displayed.
Use the Add, *Change*or *Remove*buttons to add new public holidays, change or remove existing public holidays respectively.
Once all public holidays have been defined and are correct, click Close.
Create Leave Types - (Step 4)
To enter or edit the different types of leave to be used, proceed as follows:
In the Jump-Start Leave window, click the Create Leave Types button and the following window will be displayed.
Use the Add, *Change*or *Remove*buttons to add new, to change or remove existing leave types respectively.
Once all leave types have been defined and are correct, click Close.
Assign States to Employees - (Step 5)
If the Different States Leave Feature is used, this procedure will enable you to assign the employees to the required states that have been defined.
In the Jump-Start Leave window, click the Assign States to Employees button and the following window will be displayed.
By selecting each of the defined States, the employees can be moved to be included or removed from the State using the arrow buttons.
Move a selected employee from the Not Allocated column to the selected and highlighted State.
Move a selected employee from the selected and highlighted _State_column to the _Not Allocated_column.
Move all employees from the Not Allocated column to the selected and highlighted State.
Move all employees from the selected and highlighted State_column to the _Not Allocated column.
Once the employees have been assigned to the required State, click Close.
When the Jump-Start Leave window is displayed, click *Close*to return to the Jump Starts window.
Create Leave Scales - (Step 6)
To enter or edit the different types of leave scales to be used, proceed as follows:
In the Jump-Start Leave window, click the Create Leave Scales button and the following window will be displayed.
Use the Add, *Change*or *Remove*buttons to add new, to change or remove existing leave types respectively.
Once all leave types have been defined and are correct, click Close.
Assign Leave Scales to Employees - (Step 7)
If the Different Leave Scales feature is used, this procedure will enable you to assign the leave scales to the employees.
In the Jump-Start Leave window, click the Assign Leave Scales to Employees button and the Bulk Assign Leave Scales window will be displayed.
The columns on the left identify the different Leave Types that have been defined and the Employees*columns is a list of all employees and the particular leave rule that has been assigned to each. Selecting a leave type will identify the particular leave type rule that has been assigned. The *Selected Employees list identifies the Name of the employee(s) that have been selected from the list and the leave *Scale*rule that has been newly assigned by selecting the particular Scale and selecting the *Add*button.
To assign a Leave Scale to an employee or to a group of employees, select the employee to whom a Leave Scale is to be assigned and move them to the Selected employee list using the following buttons:
Move a selected employee from the Employee list column to the_Selected Employee_ list.
Move a selected employee in the Selected Employee list back to the _Employees_list.
Move all employees from the Employees_list to the _Selected Employees list.
Move all employees from the Selected Employees list back to the _Employees_list.
Once the employees have been selected, select the particular Scale that is to be assigned to them.
Use the date select option to select the date from when the Leave Sale is to be applied.
Select the Add button to assign the selected Scale to the employees in the Selected Employees list.
Once all the required leave scales have been assigned, click Close.
When the Jump-Start Leave window is displayed, click *Close*to return to the_Jump Starts_ window.
The Leave Jump-Start enables you to quickly define how public holidays and leave types are to be defined and assigned.
If the Different States Leave Feature is used, this procedure will enable you to define the different States to be used that have different public holidays.
If the Different States Leave Feature is used, this procedure will enable you to assign the employees to the required states that have been defined.
Move a selected employee from the Not Allocated column to the selected and highlighted State.
Move a selected employee from the selected and highlighted _State_column to the _Not Allocated_column.
Move all employees from the Not Allocated column to the selected and highlighted State.
Move all employees from the selected and highlighted State_column to the _Not Allocated column.
If the Different Leave Scales feature is used, this procedure will enable you to assign the leave scales to the employees.
The columns on the left identify the different Leave Types that have been defined and the Employees*columns is a list of all employees and the particular leave rule that has been assigned to each. Selecting a leave type will identify the particular leave type rule that has been assigned. The *Selected Employees list identifies the Name of the employee(s) that have been selected from the list and the leave *Scale*rule that has been newly assigned by selecting the particular Scale and selecting the *Add*button.