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Eco Time Leave

Eco Time supports a basic entry-level leave management system for tracking annual and sick leave. For more advanced leave management requirements, where sites want to manage leave and leave balances within Eco Time, the advanced leave feature is available.

The advanced leave feature is available as part of the Human Resources Module.

The Advanced Leave Feature extends Eco Time's basic leave and sick leave support. Its primary purpose is to calculate leave balances, of which the rules are comprehensively defined in a leave cycle, that are due to employees.

Leave balances are determined by:

  1. The Leave Cycle rules defined in the Config Module's Leave section.
  2. The number of days/hours specified when adding a leave record in Eco Time.
  3. The manually entered leave starting balance or balance adjustment (if applicable).

It is important to make a distinction between 'Leave Types' and 'Leave Cycles':

Leave Types are the different types of leave an employee may take. Examples: Annual, Study, etc. These leave types are setup in TNA. When adding a leave record for an employee, you must specify the leave type.

A Leave Cycle is a set of rules that defines how to calculate the 'Leave Due'. Leave Cycles are only setup for leave types that you want to see a balance for. Most companies don't want to see the balance of Study leave for example.

Updated by Robert de Jager on 23 OCT 2024
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