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Impro & Eco Time
Before you start installing Eco Time, please ensure you have the following in place:
  • The path to the Impro database.
  • Username & password for the Impro database.
  • Full read & write access to the folder hosting the Impro database.
  • ODBC drivers & Firebird client library copied & installed.
  • Port 3050 used by Firebird & Impro software is not blocked by the firewall.

This is a good time to test your connection to the Impro database using the administrative tool under Control Panel!

Configuring ODBC connection

Please see the attached document (Client - Host Firebird Connection Setup - IXP220.pdf) for instructions.

Configuring Eco Time
  • Enable IMPRO under Bells & Whistles.
  • Set up a connection to the Impro database.
  • Set the "Last collect date & time" back to the date from which the client would like to import the transactions.
  • Enable all import sync options under device setup.
  • Open the Eco Time Server.

If you would like to import certain transactions / clockings as Payroll only, configure the following after step 2!

  • Set the "Last collect date & time" to today
  • Open the Eco Time server (This will import the system controllers & terminals only)
  • Set the respective terminals to the required setting, Payroll or Access
  • Close the Eco Time server & set the "Last collect date & time" back to the intended date.
  • Open the Eco Time Server (All transaction / clockings made on terminals set as Payroll will be flagged as payroll transactions / clockings in Eco Time)
Eco Time will import the following information from the Impro Database:
  • System Controllers & Terminals
  • Employee Number, Name & Surname
  • Cards
  • Companies & Departments
  • Transactions / Clockings
The following aspects may affect the duration for Eco Time to import all information:
  • Whether Eco Time has to access the Impro database hosted on a different PC over the network.
  • The amount of transactions stored in the Impro database as history.
  • The processing power & disk write speeds of the PC hosting Eco Time.
Once all information has been imported:
  • Confirm that all Terminals, Cards, Employees, Companies, Departments & Transactions match that of the Impro software.
  • Do a FIX on all BAD & DUPLICATE clockings.
  • Do a verify data.
  • Hide the "Access Rights, Time Zone & Current Area" fields in Browse Employees & Browse clockings screens.
  • Schedule a process for the required payroll period.

Note, after a process there may be many errors, which need to be fixed by the wage operator. Complete the rest of the configuration as per the shift requirements & project scope!

Updated by Robert de Jager on 10 MAY 2022
Locate (Contains) :